Zhaoning Li | tʂɑu niŋ li | 李肇宁

PhD Student | Social Psychology | University of Macau


A list of my publications, each can be expanded to see more details by clicking the link. Please see my CV for detailed CRediT Contributor Roles, and check out my Google Scholar profile for more up-to-date publications and citations.

Journal Articles

Towards human-compatible autonomous car: A study of non-verbal Turing test in automated driving with affective transition modelling

Zhaoning Li, Qiaoli Jiang, Zhengming Wu, Anqi Liu, Haiyan Wu, Miner Huang, Kai Huang, Yixuan Ku

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2023, pp. 1-16

Causality extraction based on self-attentive BiLSTM-CRF with transferred embeddings

Zhaoning Li, Qi Li, Xiaotian Zou, Jiangtao Ren

Neurocomputing, vol. 423, 2021, pp. 207-219

Fine-tuning ERNIE for chest abnormal imaging signs extraction

Zhaoning Li, Jiangtao Ren

Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 108, 2020, p. 103492



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